Matteo Baronetto

Matteo Baronetto

Del Cambio

Matteo Baronetto is a calm and reflexive chef, sometimes even disarming. His personal cuisine style is distinctive and characterized by balance, intuition, and talent in execution. His particular traits allowed him to be appreciated and estimated by international gastronomes and critics. Matteo Baronetto has been a Marchesi pupil and for several years Cracco’s personal assistant. He has been guiding Del Cambio’s kitchens since the first day of its new course. Disruptive, always experimental, especially cultivated; promoter of the raw material as the keystone of any composition. 

“We’ll make a difference if we’ll make culture”

His Piemontese roots – continuously influencing him – guide him to Tradition rediscovery, while his solid technique united with surprising creative intuitions, led him to realize dishes it’s almost impossible to label. His ambition, in a place like Del Cambio, so rich in terms of History, is to create, even at the stoves, something able to “overcome Time”.

Baronetto describes his work routine as “reasoned improvisation”: a constant exercise to balance intuition and reflectiveness, creativity and talent in execution. At “Del Cambio” his kitchen is declined respectfully towards the Place, its important History, and clearly, the clients’ taste. Raw materials are the keystone of a cuisine voted to “lessness” in order to repay roundness to every single ingredient. Piedmontese roots guide Matteo to tradition rediscovery, while his reliable technique matched surprisingly creative intuitions leading him to the realization of dishes that are hard to label.

Instagram: @baronettomatteo @delcambiotorino
Restaurant web site:
Restaurant address: Piazza Carignano, 2, 10123 Torino TO, Italy

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