Fabrício Lemos & Lisiane Arouca
Fabricio and Lisiane are a famous couple of Brazilian chefs, creators of the Origem group, after years of training and professional experience, today they are living the dream, recognized as the chefs who are changing Bahian gastronomy.
“I met Lisiane Arouca and she also had the same dream. We started working together in the street fairs to gather a part of the capital needed for the start of the work and finally, in 2016, we were able to inaugurate. We started with a daily tasting menu and soon began to please the local public, as it was a pioneering proposal in our state. From this, we gained national visibility.”
Born in Salvador, Bahia, Fabrício left for the United States in search of the best professional training. A graduate of the renowned French gastronomy school Le Cordon Bleu, it was leading a team of employees at the Ritz Carlton – an American company of luxury hotels and resorts – that the desire to create new dishes and have its own business was born. In 2010, he returned to Brazil determined to open a restaurant. Opening your own business is not so simple. The enterprise requires financial capital, study, and experience. Even after returning to the country, he spent four years working on other ventures to acquire maturity and establish himself as a chef. In 2014, life began to change.
The Creation of Origem
The restaurant was born from the dream of distinguished cooks in training: Lisiane in love with dulce de leche and Fabrício, with seafood. However, both with a vision of cooking in common: the use of the freshest ingredients, in a work that combines technique, affective memory, invention, and tradition.
“From the Caatinga, we brought amazing food and undervalued ingredients. In the Atlantic Forest, we seek unusual interpretations for fruits, especially cocoa. In Cerrado, which is located in western Bahia, we seek to strengthen the use of sausages from the region and delicacies such as baru nuts and pequi. We still have the coastal and marine zone, where we try to strengthen seafood cooperatives and the use of local bivalves. In addition to transition zones, such as Chapada, where we use cheese, butter, and now wine.”
The result couldn’t be more right.

Instagram: @lisianearouca @fabricioorigem @restauranteorigem
Restaurant web site: https://www.grupoorigem.com.br/
Restaurant address: Alameda das Algarobas, 70 – Caminho das Árvores, Salvador – BA, 41820-500, Brazil