Daniel Mcburnie

Daniel Mcburnie – New Candidates 2023

Daniel Mcburnie


Daniel was born in Egernsund in 1992 to a West Jutland mother and an English father. His father worked as a fisherman, and delivered fish to the port of Thorsminde and Thyborøn, and met his mother in a hot dog stand, where they subsequently moved to Southern Jutland.

Daniel’s path to the profession of chef has been marked by chance, and he ended up getting an English cooking education.

“I would describe my path as being turbulent, but there is nothing I want to change. The hardest part was learning the technical terms in Danish, as I had learned about carving and different types of fish in English. The same with the equipment used. Therefore, I had to change my entire vocabulary from English to Danish, and especially after I had been in the Life Guards, I had to get started again. But I got a job at ‘Restaurant AOC’, where I was for 3 years with Søren Selin. It was my first awarded restaurant, and part of the dream for me, and thus also the greatest experience.”

LYST, local gastronomy at the heart of Fjordenhus.

LYST is situated in the iconic building Fjordenhus in Vejle. The restaurant is created in close collaboration with Studio Other Spaces, Olafur Eliasson and Sebastian Behmann.

A unique menu is created every day reflecting the weather, time, season and cultivation. The unique LYST experience will consist of twenty locally sourced servings affected by the four elements of air, fire, water, and earth. 

LYST philosophy

The philosophy at LYST is about local raw materials, the ever-changing nature and the overall artwork of Fjordenhus, and aims to create one magical, inclusive and sustainable dining experience.

“Our goal is to attract guests from all over the world and give them an unforgettable, sense-activating, gastronomic experience. We mark ourselves as a responsible restaurant, which means that all dishes are based on local ingredients and sustainable production principles.

To achieve this we strive to source everything we serve from within a 100-mile radius and utilize everything to the fullest. Without being dogmatic, this is one of our efforts to create a more sustainable restaurant.”

Instagram: @danielmcburnie_lyst @restaurantlyst
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/restaurantlyst/
Restaurant web site: https://restaurantlyst.com/
Restaurant address: Havneøen 1, 7100 Vejle, Denmark

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