Elena Reygadas – hailing from Mexico City, began her training at the prestigious French Culinary Institute in New York. This was the only the start of her gastronomic as she was soonheading across the pond to work alongside top chefs in leading London kitchens including, Locanda Locatelli with chef Girogio Locatelli. This developmentled hertowards her deep penchant for classic Italian cuisine.
She stayed in London for 5 years before returning to her native soil to launch Rosetta, a beautiful and elegant restaurant in the city’s upscale Romadistrict. The area also lends itself suitablyto the magnificent history of the country so the restauarnt has followed suit with its modern rustic feel. It wasn’t long before the restaurant became acclaimed as one of the finest dining establishments in the whole of Mexico’s capital.
Calle Colima 166 Between Orizaba and Cordoba,
Mexico City 06700,